PROJECT N. 2021-IT-2-KA220-ADU-000028247


“The thread of tourism of Ariadne” is a project of adult education financed by the program Erasmus + 2021-2027 that sees the collaboration of several partners on the European territory. The project is focused on analysing changes in the tourism sector after the severe crisis caused by COVID-19. The aim is to provide tools for workers in the sector to find a “new normal” and protect and improve their personal and professional dimension.
In recent years, the way of travelling has changed profoundly. The main causes are to be found in the development of some previously inaccessible means of transport , in the advent of digital technologies, in the spread of flexibility and coworking and, finally, the arrival of the Covid-19 pandemic. This event has helped to make the situation in a labour market which had already had to respond to profound changes even more critical.
The free resources made available by the project aim to provide useful tools to address emerging challenges and opportunities in the travel sector, and provide travel operators and agencies with the knowledge needed to adapt to market changes.
Through the use of the products of “Ariadne’s thread of tourism”, operators in the tourism sector will acquire the skills to better face the challenges of the current market and fully exploit the opportunities offered by digitalisation.”
According to research and investigations conducted as part of the “Ariadne’s Thread of Tourism” project, the tourism industry has entered a phase of recovery from the crisis caused by COVID-19, which has nevertheless acted as a catalyst for a profound renewal of internal dynamics in this world.
Industry professionals must therefore find the right methods and acquire the necessary skills to deal with significant changes in the market.
The digitalisation of services, the spread of social media, a new environmental sensitivity and the evolution of transport methods are contributing to the redefinition of the tourism landscape.

The “TourismPro: Enhancing the Skills of Tourism Professionals” course begins with an overview of the tourism industry, supported by data and online sources, and explores industry trends and new directions.
The focus is on sustainable tourism, exploring trends that show travellers’ growing environmental awareness and ways in which tourism businesses can adopt sustainable practices to succeed in this new context.
We then analyze two main pillars for the efficiency and profitability of a company in today’s tourism context: the internal organization and the relationship with the customer. These topics are explored in depth from the perspective of developing soft skills, personal skills and digital skills, recognizing the need for a balance between the parts.
The main aim of the course is to provide practical advice to facilitate the synergistic combination of personal skills with the digitalisation of key functions such as customer analytics and loyalty.
Organizational efficiency, prioritization and adherence to schedules are key organizational skills that, together with the use of digital tools and information management and marketing software, make a company competitive in the tourism sector.
The importance of effective communication with clients is also explored and practical advice is provided for establishing trust and building solid relationships between the agency and the client.
Through the course, operators in the tourism sector will acquire the skills to best face the challenges of the current market and fully exploit the opportunities offered by digitalisation.

Funded by the European Union. The opinions expressed are, however, those of the author(s) alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor the EACEA can be held responsible for this.